At the start of each school year, student fees are collected via the school online payment system called KEV. Through this payment portal, parents have an option to make a donation to PAC (a donation receipt is issued by SD43 for donations over $25). Donated funds go towards: scholarships & bursaries; extra-curricular equipment (could be for the music or drama clubs, art clubs, athletics); specialized gym equipment, etc.
Fundraising is done by PAC members, typically people that are part of a sub-committee. Most often, the sub-committees are grad related. All sub-committees report directly to the PAC and provide regular updates at PAC meetings.
Historically, fundraising for the student's grad year starts when they are in grade 11. A parent committee is formed and a group of parents organize a Parent Dinner Dance, typically held in Feb/March of their child's grade 11 year. Funds raised at this event go directly towards reducing the student's cost of the Dinner Dance, the following year. This is the only Grad fundraiser granted to the parents/students in their grade 11 year.
After Grad fundraising -- once students enter grade 12, the parent committee will switch focus towards fundraising for After Grad. The After Grad event takes place at the school, on the evening of the grads Dinner Dance. Students are bused back to the school and participate in fun activities such as photo booths, bubble tea, taro card readings, bouncy castles, game tables, candy bars and others. Prizes can be won during the night, with the best prizes to be won at the end of the evening, about 4am. Students must be in attendance to win.
After Grad 2024 Parent Committee
To join the Best After Grad 2025 Parent Committee or for more information on After Grad 2025 activities please contact:
Rosemary Brodt and Charise Ruiz
Co-Chairs, Best Grad 2025 Parent Committee
Grade 11 Parent Dance Committee
To join the Best Grade 11 Parent Dance 2025 Committee or for more information on Parent Dance 2025 activities please contact:
Echo Zhu and Claudia Roca
Co-Chairs, Best Grade 11 Parent Dance 2026 Committee
Check out our event page for details on this fabulous fundraising event!